Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Of Utilising Our Free Time & Stuff Overload!!

Dear jumjum...

   It's a privilege to wake up to this every morning. That's all.

   I was super duper blur about choosing courses for my next four years and I really felt left behind by everyone else. There's like this requirement, that requirement, credit transfer options from A Levels and bla bla bla. So I chit za bek za woke up and when to the School of Science office for advise once it opened. The advisor is really really funny. Everytime she enters a room, she'll go "Hello!" in a very high pitched, cheerful voice. And she carries around this piece of paper with the details of all the new science students in the smallest print possible. Honestly she's like Santa! She knows everything we did before we came to UST! She's really good and kind though...cleared up all my questions under 5 minutes!

  My korean neighbour's friends in Year 2 advised her to enjoy the free time that we have now, because it'll disappear very very soon. So today we went shopping! Again. At Festival Walk, in Kowloon Tong. We had the first real taste of HK dining- finding no place to sit at the food court. I finally managed to grab a vacant table and this little kid just calmly sat down at the table, avoiding eye contact! I wasn't in the mood to cause a scene so I just walked away and went to wait by another family who looked like they were about to finish. Then this couple in their twenties came by and eyed the same table. I looked at them and in my mind I was like, don't you dare! And the !"£$%^&* woman saw me, went up to the man at the table and asked to have his table when he was done! Like WTH!!! She KNEW I was waiting there first! I very nearly yelled at her. The only thing stopping me was 1, I'm not fluent in Cantonese, 2, I'm a foreigner, 3, my korean neighbour came up to me right at that instant. Still, when I walked passed her later on I felt like spitting in her food. Very evil thought. But seriously. Didn't let her spoil my day though...told myself to let it go, get used to it and get ready to defend myself next time!

  After Festival Walk I went to my aunt and uncle's place for dinner again. They are way too nice. They always feed me like a cow as if  to fatten me up! My cousin's grandmother is always forcing me to finish the soup ever since she knew I like soup. (I learned that the Cantonese are big on soups) and everytime I come back from my aunt and uncle's they WILL give me stuff. And my dorm is so small!!! I have a large bag of just the randomest stuff on the floor next to my bed and it annoys the heck out of me. I like everything organized on the shelves but there honestly isn't any more space! I have THREE sets of bed sheets. 500 raincoats and about 1000 shower caps. Let's just focus on the food I have in my dorm currently (some of it I bought myself and added to my troubles):

-Four maxi packs of Jacob's-like biscuits but thinner.
-3 apples
-Instant coffee mix x48 sachets (it was buy one box free one box! And I need coffee)
-2 bars of chocolate
-2 packs of chocolate-covered biscuits
-3 packs of instant noodles (between my mum and aunt)
-1 large pack of oats
-1 loaf of bread (I'll force my roommates to finish it with me)
-3 cans of tuna spread
-Leftovers from cousin's grandmother
-9 packs of roasted seaweed (it was on promotion)
-3 mini buns (I intended to eat for breakfast tomorrow)
-Raw mushroom, cabbage and tofu (I wanna cook tomorrow- no more eating out!)
-1 pack of rice !!!
-2 packs of Japanese curry paste
-1 bottle Japanese salad dressing
-1 big bag of asssorted tea packets
-1 bottle of honey

Bought myself, Mum, Aunt

  And that's not counting the cutlery and utensils I have here =S Just remember that whatever happens and for whatever reasons I'm stuck in the dorm with no supplies, I'm good. For at least a month. Haha! In all seriousness, I know that I'm very very lucky to have caring relatives here with me. and it trains my muscles lugging plastic bags full of stuff up and down buses and all the way to the dorm... 


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