Monday, June 10, 2013

Decisions, decisions!

Dear jumjum...

  YAY! A Levels are finally over! I have to admit, when the teachers were collecting the exam papers I looked around me and realised it was the last time we'll all be in school together, after which the internationals would be leaving us one by one =( kinda sad. 

  But then I don't really have time to wallow in my sorrow now..busy studying for a last-minute potential job tomorrow. Hope I get it but I'm super scared! It's not exactly in my expertise. More tomorrow if I actually get it. 

  Anyway I was so caught up with everything today that I almost forgot that the housing application for uni started today!! Oh dear. And I am THE WORST decision maker in the world. I am constantly thinking about opportunity costs! And I hate that as we grow up, we seem to have more and more decisions thrown at us to be made. At first it was the decision of what to study, then where to apply, where to accept, and now which hall to stay on campus. Honestly I've been thinking over which hall to choose since a month ago! And I found out that a lot of Malaysians have already booked their flights there, but what if my results suck and I don't get in??? It would be a bigger blow if I already booked the flight =( And also, they've been adding me into all these international students' or Malaysian students' groups that I kinda feel like part of them already. If my results don't fulfill the criteria I don't know what I'll do =(


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