For the past week I have been spending a lot of time on my own. I think it was contributed by the fact that I take 2 out of three of my classes alone. I mean, there are people I know in the class, but I never feel comfortable deliberately sitting next to mere acquaintances. In the third (Bio) class, the usual gang, save Eric, just isn't there- HJ is taking all Chem courses this semester, Chloe is on exchange, and Mel is recuperating. I've declined invitations to go out, probably because it was so busy back at home, and I just wanted to spend some time alone. As a result, I have caught up with all the series I follow, and have watched a significant amount of movies in between.
I came across Before Midnight from a list of top movies of all time. I only found out that it was the third movie in a trilogy while Wiki-ing it because I enjoyed the movie so much. All three movies follow a couple around as they stroll through different European cities and just talk...a lot. It sounds like a terrible idea for a movie but honestly, I have not enjoyed any movie this much since Pride and Prejudice (which, at last count, I have watched maybe 30 times. Honestly, and it never gets old). I enjoy their conversations about the most unconventional thoughts and opinions. I also like the verbal expression of feeling which I believe are common to most people.
I found the script for one of the thoughts that resonate with me the most:
I will leave it there because I don't think my writing can do the movies justice.
Patricia and I have come up with a silly movie idea about football matches in the mist. This, of course, started off because we were doing just that two weeks ago. It was a thriller about how one couldn't see what was happening at the other side of the field and suddenly out of the mist comes the shadow of a football that knocks one's face in slow motion, and their teeth flying out of one's mouth...
Anyway. Today, on the way to our last football match of the season, we were talking about how amazing the human mind is, how schizophreniacs can conjure and integrate their imagination with the real world (my reflection after watching A Beautiful Mind some time ago). We were toying with the idea of a movie about imagination-inception, and decided to combine it with our previous Misty Football Match idea, where when the mist clears, the person realises that there is actually no one there...