Wednesday, February 12, 2014

First Week of Spring Term

Dear jumjum...

  Honestly it feels like I've come back for much longer than just a week...and I'm still in my 'add/drop period honeymoon' mode. No hard core studying yet- but I really should start soon. Am planning to join a competition this November, and so I'll be busy all year, staying through summer as well. But I think it'll be a good experience and very rewarding. Hopefully I'll manage to complete it while maintaining my grades without burning out.

  Lionel and Yee Shiun stopped by on their way back to Xiamen. Good to see them! 

   Bought a rice cooker last weekend. My old cooker heats unevenly and it annoyed me to no end...and this rice cooker can cook more than rice! I chose the worst time to buy it though- had just been to my aunt's and she gave me a lot of stuff to bring back, so in one hand I had her care package (including a soft soft fleece blanket that I'm loving!!) and the rice cooker box in the other. And I took a wrong exit and got lost, and it was raining so I was struggling with my phone GPS and an umbrella. Now everything I cook smells and tastes AMAZING.

  You know, CNY is partly about celebrating the arrival of spring right?? Then how come the weather here is even colder than in December?! I came across this coat on sale and went back the next day to get it after everyone's approval. Just in time, too. The very next day and the days following it have been around 6°C, plus wind and rain. It's in my favourite colour too!

  It was Z's birthday last weekend and I was kinda sad that  for the first time in 15 years I wasn't there to celebrate it =(


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