Saturday, May 8, 2010

Enemy turns friend.

dEaR jUmJuM...

oh dear.
i haven't updated in almost half a year!!
this has got to be a short one as my mum will kill me if she sees me on the comp now @@

okay so today i learned that sometimes you will turn around, look back at the person you see behind you- you in the past......and laugh.

there was these two people that i didn't really get along with like, 2 years ago..
and back then we were sworn enemies..i always thought that i'll never ever be able to understand, much less forgive them.
and then last night i while i was talking with my dad on the phone and mentioned one of them, my mind went, "hey! we used to hate each other!!"

so yeah. i guess gradually, over time- without me noticing it, quarrels and rows were forgotten, and somewhere along the line we forgave each other.
the end =)


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