Dear jumjum...
This post marks the end of the freshman year.
A week before the start of Fall term 2013, I remember the four of us sitting in HY's and my room, and we were scared sh*tless of the stories and rumours about how hard it was to get a good grade in UST. HY was looking at me and warning me not to do anything stupid, she said she didn't want to come back to the room and find her roommate lifeless...
About a year ago we were preparing for A2 exams and everyone was asking what my plans were after A Levels. I dreaded that question because I had applied to some unis after AS results were released but had heard back from none. I remember that night after another Starbucks-math session, I drove home and everyone was already asleep. I was sitting on my bed checking my email, and read this:
'Dear Jacqueline Theeng Mei,
Congratulations, we are delighted to inform you that your application for admission to The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology is successful. '
You have no idea how happy and proud and relieved and excited I was...I had never been to HK and it was so foreign to think I would study here. I woke Mummy up and showed her the email and she gave me a big hug but I could tell she was sad. Even when she accompanied me here in August I think she had a challenging time taking in that I was moving out to study in another country.
I came here because I lived in a small town, and I've always wanted to see how it would be like and how I would fair in a relatively good university. UST seemed not too far away from home, and I've always wanted to live in a city. Before the semester started, I told myself that I will do my best but I should be prepared for the worst. To be honest, my goal was just to pass each course because I really didn't know where I would stand among my peers. It wasn't as bad as I had expected- although I can safely say that I have never studied so hard in my life, but I have never enjoyed studying as much either!
I think (so far) the difference between being in university compared to secondary school is that you really can't do it all. Choices and sacrifices have to be made. I devoted the Fall term to studying and dancing, but my friends and I decided that we had to drop it. It was a hard decision, but I'm happy I did (also, I doubt I would have passed the 2nd auditions). I really really really enjoyed dancing and performing again, and have meticulously saved all the videos for memories. Anyway, if I didn't quit I would have absolutely no time for iGEM! I enjoy iGEM not only because of all the Bio-y stuff but also because I finally have a mixed group of local and international friends. Also, guy friends. I'm not very sociable at all and during the entire Fall term I had no guy friends save the few Malaysians, and very few girl friends- which was a huge difference from the healthy blend of dudes and girls I have back at home.
Roommate drama! HY got accepted into her dream university during the Fall finals, so she left very suddenly. I was quite upset as we were such a perfect pair: We influenced each others' diets because we both knew the other was trying to eat healthy, we both have long hair (and contributed to hair all over the room), we took turns cleaning (unlike some of my friends' roommates I hear of), we didn't like to talk while in the room but when the mood was right we could talk the time away, and we had similar and constant sleep patterns and habits (YT right before bed with the lights off, and official sleeping time at 1am). Anyway in the Spring term I had another roommate, aaaand it was drama from the start. The initial problem was soon settled, but we never clicked and never had proper conversations with each other. Then out of the blue she stopped coming back, and she told me she was actually not my real roommate and she got caught. =.=
When I first arrived in HK I didn't even know how to say 1-10 in Cantonese, and yesterday I attended the Catholic Society's mass for graduates and the priest said his sermon in Canto and I could actually understand (with intense concentration and thanks to Canto class)! I need to speak it more though, still not fluent at all.
I like that UST is not exactly in the city, therefore more conducive for studying; but it isn't too far away from 'civilization' either. My aunt always refers to me going to her place as 'coming out' and it makes me laugh every time cause it sounds like I live in the jungle xD
Experienced my first winter...bought my first winter coat and eet iz maroon in corour! Also, electric blankets rule the world.
I'm so grateful for HJ BONNIE (hahahaha), my neighbour and the first friend I made in uni. We both did A Levels and are majoring in Biochem and Cell Bio, so 8 out of 10 of the courses we take are together, and she's so dedicated and driven that she makes the perfect studying partner and motivator. I seriously cannot imagine my uni life without her- I would be doing so many things alone if I never met her. Studying in the library for over 12 hours doesn't seem so miserable with someone else beside you. She is my blur, adorable little uni-daughter. I knock on her door to wake her up most mornings, keep track of her weird eating diets, I'm her navigator and she never needs to know where her exam room is because she just tags along xD
The first year has simply flown by, and according to the seniors time will seem to accelerate as each year passes. I'm so grateful for the 7 gorgeous girl friends of the Jji jjis; for having an aunt who takes care of me here; for having the stream of cousins, friends and siblings visiting me; for the bunch of Malaysians to speak rojak language with; for the experiences big and small- humorous, educational, sad or otherwise; and for not failing any course so far! xD God's blessings have been abundant indeed.
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